
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Twin Peaks Unwrapped 8: Twin Peaks Fest 2015 and Catherine E. Coulson interview
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Wednesday Jul 29, 2015
Bryon and Ben discuss Twin Peaks Fest 2015 with Pieter Dom, WelcometoTwinPeaks.com, Catherine E. Coulson, aka The Log Lady and Brad Dukes, author of Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks.
“The Twin Peaks Festival is an annual weekend-long celebration of the early '90s TV show, Twin Peaks. On average, about 150 people from all over the world attend yearly. The festival involves celebrity guests, a film night, bus tour of filming locations, contests, and much more.” - Twinpeaksfest.com
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Twitter: @TwinPeaksUnwrap
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TwinPeaksUnwrapped
“Sycamore Trees" lyrics by David Lynch, music by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Jimmy Scott
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #35
Audio clips from Pieter Dom Twin Peaks Fest 2015 videos

Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Twin Peaks Unwrapped 7: S1E5
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Wednesday Jul 22, 2015
Bryon and Ben discuss Twin Peaks episode 5. “Another bewildering but entertaining chapter about the ongoing deceptions and revelations which make up the modus operandi of the quirky inhabitants of the Northwest mill town. Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman meet with the wacky Log Lady who directs them to the woods; sexy Audrey starts working in her father’s store; Hank is released from prison. Observer-Reporter 5/20/90
Get Our Limited Book at www.bluerosemag.com Today!!!
Twitter: @TwinPeaksUnwrap
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TwinPeaksUnwrapped
“Sycamore Trees" lyrics by David Lynch, music by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Jimmy Scott
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #6
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #50
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #59
Episode #5 DVD Commentary (Twin Peaks Season 1 DVD - 2001)
Twin Peaks Behind-The-Scenes
Video Watchdog #2
Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks Episode #5 script
Twin Peaks Invitation To Love Complete
“Diane… the tapes of Agent Cooper”

Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Twin Peaks Unwrapped 6: Brad Dukes
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Wednesday Jul 15, 2015
Bryon and Ben talk with Brad Dukes, author of ‘Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks’.
“Hats off to Brad Dukes for gathering an incredible plethora of inside knowledge and translating all of that into the true story of Twin Peaks. Trust me, there's an anecdote or fact you didn't know about the show... ON EVERY PAGE. Reflections is the book I didn't know I waited 25 years for to read, and I love it like Cooper loves pie!” -welcometotwinpeaks.com
Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks
Twitter: @TwinPeaksBook
Twitter: @TwinPeaksUnwrap
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TwinPeaksUnwrapped
Get our Limited Book Now at www.bluerosemag.com Today!!!

Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
Twin Peaks Unwrapped 5: S1E4
Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
Wednesday Jul 08, 2015
Bryon and Ben discuss Twin Peaks episode 4. “This off beat mystery pulls a few more surprises. FBI agent Dale Cooper and Sheriff Harry S. Truman find the one-armed man who was in Cooper’s dream. Meanwhile wily Audrey Horne get a solid start on her own investigation into Laura Palmer’s death.” 5/3/90 Wilmington Morning Star
Get Our Limited Book at www.bluerosemag.com Today!!!
Twitter: @TwinPeaksUnwrap
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TwinPeaksUnwrapped
“Sycamore Trees" lyrics by David Lynch, music by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Jimmy Scott
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #6
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #50
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #59
Episode #4 DVD Commentary (Twin Peaks Season 1 DVD - 2001)
Twin Peaks Behind-The-Scenes
Video Watchdog #2
Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks Episode #4 script
Twin Peaks Invitation To Love Complete
“Diane… the tapes of Agent Cooper”

Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
Twin Peaks Unwrapped 4: S1E3
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
Bryon and Ben discuss Twin Peaks episode 3. “The people of Twin Peaks attend the funeral of Laura Palmer. Cooper dreams about the killer. The secret of the Bookhouse Boys is revealed.” - Toledo Blade 4/26/90
Get our Limited Book at www.bluerosemag.com Today!!!
Twitter: @TwinPeaksUnwrap
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TwinPeaksUnwrapped
“Sycamore Trees" lyrics by David Lynch, music by Angelo Badalamenti and sung by Jimmy Scott
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #6
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #50
Wrapped in Plastic magazine #59
Episode #3 DVD Commentary (Twin Peaks Season 1 DVD - 2001)
Twin Peaks Behind-The-Scenes
Video Watchdog #2
Reflections: An Oral History of Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks Episode #3 script
Twin Peaks Invitation To Love Complete
“Diane… the tapes of Agent Cooper”